TOLEX XBT Data Archive : information & cautions

1. All data in this archive are from XBT measurements provided by coorporative work of the Earth Environment Physics Laboratory (Physical Oceanography) of Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, and the JAMSTEC (Japan Marine Science & Technology Center) under courtesy of Ogasawara-Kaiun Co.Ltd. (in Japanese) and the crew of Ogasawara-Maru, a cargo-passenger ship, which weekly shuttles between Tokyo and Chichijima Is., Ogasawara Islands.

2. TSK T-7 probes (Tsurumi-Seiki Co., Ltd.) are used in the measurements. Hanawa et al. (1995)'s falling rate equation is used for the time-depth conversion.

3. Usage other than personal browsing is NOT permitted.

4. Numerical data and information files are for laboratory members only (access limited).


Hanawa,K., P.Rual, R.Bailey, A.Sy and M.Szabados (1995): A new depth-time equation
for Sippican or TSK T-7, T-6 and T-4 expendable bathythermographs (XBT).
Deep-Sea Res., 42(8), 1423-1451.